StartSchlagworteIn English

Schlagwort: In English

On the strategy and tactics of the Palestinian liberation struggle

"The struggle for the unity of the working class in our country, against the division caused by racism in all its forms (whether anti-Palestinian or anti-Jewish), against the war policy of the rulers, therefore obliges us to put solidarity with the Palestinian people on the political agenda in our own interest, without fear of being defamed by the ruling propaganda or the repression of the state."- Statement of the Central Leadership of the Communist Organization of 24 December 2023, revised on March 10, 2024 English translation of the statement.

The Communist International, its dissolution and the international struggle of communists today

What was the Comintern? Why was it founded? How did it come to be dissolved, and how do we evaluate this experience today?

Grußwort der Kommunistischen Organisation an das Gründungstreffen der Europäischen Kommunistischen Aktion in Athen

Internationale Kommission der Kommunistischen Organisation, Deutschland Wir begrüßen die Entscheidung zur Gründung der Europäischen Kommunistischen Aktion als einen positiven und notwendigen Schritt, um die Zusammenarbeit und Koordination der kommunistischen Parteien Europas auf einer gemeinsamen inhaltlichen Grundlage zu verstärken.

The Bourgeoisie in the Imperialist World System.

Theses according to which the imperialist world system today is unipolar dominated by the USA are not tenable. The term "comprador bourgeoisie" is totally inappropriate to characterize the bourgeoisie in weaker countries of the imperialist world system. In these countries, too, monopoly capital rules and, in order to pursue its own profit strategies, it enters into links on a global scale based on unequal mutual dependence with other finance-capitalist monopolies.

Zur Auflösung der „Europäischen Kommunistischen Initiative“

Die Europäische Kommunistische Initiative ist seit dem 9. September 2023 Geschichte. Die Notwendigkeit einer verstärkten Koordination und gemeinsamen Organisierung der kommunistischen Bewegung in Europa und weltweit auf Grundlage des proletarischen Internationalismus und des Marxismus-Leninismus ist damit nicht entfallen.

The German Communist Party (DKP), Socialism and the PR China

On March 17 - 19, 2023, the 25th Party Congress of the German Communist Party (DKP) took place. Focus was placed on a motion which, when passed, ultimately meant that the party’s Central Committee (CC) pushed through a line of support for Chinese capitalism. We see four main problems in the resolution, which we will outline in this critique.

Erklärung des Zentralkomitees des Revolutionären Kommunistischen Jugendverbandes (Bolschewiki) RKSM(b)

Erklärung des Zentralkomitees des Revolutionären Kommunistischen Jugendverband (Bolschewiki) RKSM(b) zur Rebellion der PMC Wagner. Also in English and Russian / Русский.

Theses on the character of the communist party and on the self-understanding of the communist organization

In the following we publish the theses on the character of the communist party and on the self-understanding of the communist organization, which were adopted by the KO at its fourth congress in April 2022. They represent an intermediate state of the intensive work on the question of the Kommunistische Organisation, party building and the tasks arising from it, and are still a valid resolution. In the course of the secession of a wing, the KO has gained important experiences in the struggle against revisionism concerning the structures of the organization, which are not yet reflected in the previously adopted theses. We affirm that there is currently no revolutionary communist party in Germany and that the struggle against revisionist ideas on the party question, the question of imperialism and the question of strategy is central to being able to build one. This is the aim of the Kommunistische Organisation, which we will pursue in a planned way.
